Winning in the Digital Signage Software Industry

digital signage professional

In the early days of my career, I was all about the product. I believed that a well-designed, feature-rich product was the key to digital signage software success. My confidence in this belief was rock solid. 

But as I gained more experience in the industry, I realized that the reality is more complex. While a strong product is crucial, it’s not the only factor that drives success. After hundreds of digital signage software demos and countless interactions with companies of all sizes, I’ve uncovered some hard truths that every digital signage expert should know.


The Buyer Doesn’t See What You See

One of the toughest lessons in selling digital signage software is realizing that prospective buyers often don’t see the value of your product the way you do. As someone deeply involved in product development, you:

  • Know your product inside and out.
  • Understand its strengths and how it stands out from the competition.
  • Appreciate the unique features and the technology that powers them.


However, buyers view your product through a different lens. They’re not as immersed in the technology as you are and don’t focus on the intricate details. Instead, they care about:


  • Problem-Solving: How does the product solve their specific challenges?
  • Budget Fit: Does the software fit within their financial constraints?
  • Workflow Integration: Can it seamlessly integrate into their existing processes?


This disconnect can be frustrating, especially when you’ve invested so much into creating something special. But recognizing and addressing this difference in perspective is crucial for achieving success in the digital signage software market.


industry expert


Adapting Your Approach to the Buyer’s Perspective

Since buyers don’t see your product the way you do, it’s vital to tailor your software pitch and demos to match their perspective and priorities. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is trying to convince buyers they need what you’re offering simply because it’s technically superior. This approach rarely works.

Instead, take the time to understand your buyer’s specific needs, concerns, and goals. Which problems are they trying to solve? What are their pain points? What outcomes are they looking for? Once you understand these factors, you can highlight the aspects of your software that directly address these needs.

For instance, if a buyer is focused on ease of use because their team lacks technical expertise, emphasize your software’s user-friendly interface and support options. If budget is a major concern, focus on the long-term cost savings and ROI your solution offers. The key is to present your product in a way that resonates with the buyer’s priorities.


The Importance of Building Trust

Another crucial lesson is that buyers need to feel safe and understood. The digital signage industry is highly competitive, and buyers are often overwhelmed by the number of options available. In this environment, making buyers feel secure in their decision is as important as demonstrating the technical merits of your software.

Trust plays a significant role in the decision-making process. Buyers need to trust that your product will deliver on its promises, that your company will provide ongoing support, and that you care about their specific challenges. Building this trust requires more than just a good product—it requires empathy, clear communication, and a genuine commitment to helping the buyer succeed.

Strong relationships can sometimes outweigh product superiority. If a buyer feels a strong connection with you, believes that you have their best interests at heart, and trusts you to be a reliable partner, they may choose your solution even if it’s not the most feature-rich option.


When Price Matters More Than Product

Despite your best efforts to emphasize the value of your software, there will be times when price outweighs product quality. In the digital signage industry, budgets are often tight, and decision-makers are frequently under pressure to cut costs. Even if your product is superior, a lower-priced alternative may still win the deal, posing a challenge to digital signage software success.

This can be tough to accept, especially if you’re passionate about your product. However, it’s important to recognize that not every buyer can prioritize quality over cost. In these situations, focus on demonstrating the value of your product in terms of long-term savings, efficiency gains, and reduced risk.

To accommodate price-sensitive buyers, consider offering flexible pricing models, discounts for long-term commitments, or bundling services that add value without significantly increasing costs. By being flexible, you can make your product more accessible while maintaining its perceived value.


digital signage consultant


Delivering Value Beyond the Product

Success in the digital signage software industry requires more than just a great product. It requires a holistic approach that considers the buyer’s perspective, builds trust, adapts to market conditions, and delivers value in every interaction.

One way to deliver value beyond the product is through education. Many buyers may not fully understand the potential of digital signage or how to best leverage it. By providing educational resources—through webinars, white papers, or consultations—you can help buyers see the bigger picture and recognize the value of your solution.

Additionally, focus on creating a seamless and positive customer experience. Every touchpoint with your company, from the initial demo to post-purchase support, should reinforce the buyer’s decision to choose your product. This means being responsive, helpful, and proactive in addressing any concerns.


The Evolution of the Digital Signage Software Industry

The digital signage industry is evolving rapidly, and to stay ahead, companies must continuously innovate and adapt. As technology advances, buyers’ expectations grow, demanding solutions that are:

  • Feature-Rich: Packed with functionalities that meet diverse needs.
  • Future-Proof: Capable of evolving with their requirements and industry trends.


Success in this dynamic environment requires a dual focus on both the present and the future. AV/IT decision-makers must recognize the fast pace of change in the industry and choose software providers who:

  • Commit to Ongoing Innovation: Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies.
  • Anticipate Future Developments: Preparing for and embracing upcoming changes.


For instance, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics into digital signage software is becoming increasingly important. Buyers are now looking for solutions that:

  • Offer personalized content tailored to specific audiences.
  • Automate content management to reduce manual effort.
  • Provide real-time insights through advanced analytics.


By embracing these trends, you can position your software as a forward-thinking solution that meets the evolving needs of the market.


Conclusion: Balancing Product Excellence with Business Realities

In conclusion, while being product-driven is a strength, success in the digital signage software industry requires more than just a great product. It requires a deep understanding of the buyer’s perspective, a commitment to building trust, and the ability to adapt to market realities.

The best product doesn’t always win. Sometimes, price, relationships, or competitive parity play a bigger role in the buyer’s decision. But by focusing on delivering a complete, value-driven experience and staying ahead of industry trends, you can position your software for long-term success.

Remember, it’s not just about creating the best product—it’s about understanding what the buyer truly needs and delivering it in a way that resonates with them. By embracing this approach, you can navigate the complexities of the digital signage industry and emerge as a true digital signage expert.